bummer of the last couple of days...and more to come
we are so bummed right now, especially my dh......our dog has had a large tumor on her front left leg.......we chalked it up as a fatty tumor for most of this year...I took her to our vet a couple months ago & he referred us to a specialist.......wellllll, I saw a doggie Oncologist yesterday & we went back again today for a biopsy....they won't have the results until the end of next week to tell the degree of the malignancy, but, because of the size, they are already suggesting amputating her leg......welllll, she is my dh's baby, he's had her for 15 years...so we are probably going to put her down instead of putting her through an amputation or radiation ....we're still going to wait until the test results are in......................but, needless to say, it's a sad house here right now
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I'm baaaack...and with a mini kit freebie
wow! it seems like forever since I have blogged. The holidays and family in town really made me fall off of my normal routine.
I had a pretty great Christmas (even though my nose is raw from blowing it a zillion times the last few days). We were very busy (like usual) decorating (so last minute!), visiting family, shopping, being festive, eating, & opening presents. My hubby thinks that I am obsessed with the computer and digi-scrapping. Hmmmmm, I wonder why? Do you think it's because I'm on the computer about any chance I can get and I stay up super late enjoying my "me time"? Perhaps. Sooooooo, all of presents had to do with the computer and pictures (a new 19" flat screen monitor, a thumb drive, photo album, & frame), plus some universal AMEX gift cards that can be used at certain stores. ok, let me say this, if you don't already have a flat screen, you need to get one. I can't believe the difference in colors. WOW! It's fabulous! AND....I started shopping yesterday with my gift cards and I came home with something
that I never thought I would never own, some Crocs, the Mary Jane style in black. Oh my! They are the most comfiest things in the world and the lightest shoes ever too. I would've grabbed some light blue ones if Dillards would've had them. The Mary Janes are soooooo much cuter than their most common clogs style. My dh and Coop sure aren't pleased with them, but I don't care. I needed some great comfy casual shoes to wear with jeans & I refuse to wear tennies with jeans, these are oh so great for that.
I had a pretty great Christmas (even though my nose is raw from blowing it a zillion times the last few days). We were very busy (like usual) decorating (so last minute!), visiting family, shopping, being festive, eating, & opening presents. My hubby thinks that I am obsessed with the computer and digi-scrapping. Hmmmmm, I wonder why? Do you think it's because I'm on the computer about any chance I can get and I stay up super late enjoying my "me time"? Perhaps. Sooooooo, all of presents had to do with the computer and pictures (a new 19" flat screen monitor, a thumb drive, photo album, & frame), plus some universal AMEX gift cards that can be used at certain stores. ok, let me say this, if you don't already have a flat screen, you need to get one. I can't believe the difference in colors. WOW! It's fabulous! AND....I started shopping yesterday with my gift cards and I came home with something

OK.....now time for a freebie...since it's been at least a couple weeks since I've offered any...I retooled one of my first minikits that I designed for DigiScrapCentral. It's been more than three months so I can now offer it up to you. I reworked wome of the papers to give them an aged shabbiness feel.
Take a gander at my preview & enjoy this gift from me to you.
(I switched hosting services. Thanks to ValGal's suggestion, I am now using SendSpace and loving them so far.)
As always...I really really love reading your comments, so please leave me some when you grab this. Thanks!
Friday, December 15, 2006
new, refreshed freebie links....WOO-HOO
Since TheDigiChick is having one funtabulous big ball of fun right now with the Christmas Party Chick Style weekend........I refreshed the links for my Christmas freebies.......with the exception of my very first Christmas tree since that mysteriously disappeared off of my computer
you'll have to scroll down to see the previews of each (or just be daring and grab them sight unseen...you know you'll love 'em anyway):
so please have fun with these goodies....and if you already aren't having fun with us chickies...you need to scurry on over now & camp out with us for a while...there's a ton of fun to be had :) FUN
Since TheDigiChick is having one funtabulous big ball of fun right now with the Christmas Party Chick Style weekend........I refreshed the links for my Christmas freebies.......with the exception of my very first Christmas tree since that mysteriously disappeared off of my computer
you'll have to scroll down to see the previews of each (or just be daring and grab them sight unseen...you know you'll love 'em anyway):
so please have fun with these goodies....and if you already aren't having fun with us chickies...you need to scurry on over now & camp out with us for a while...there's a ton of fun to be had :) FUN
Thursday, December 14, 2006
This is sooo funny! Thanks to the fabulous Kimberly G at TheDigiChick I found some oh so fun. Get your groovin' dancin' boogiein' shoes on......
are they on???????? ...ok...now you are ready to see my mini-me here ....then click on the little memo on the bottom right (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it) for more good times
That's it...I'll catch up with something else at a later time.
This is sooo funny! Thanks to the fabulous Kimberly G at TheDigiChick I found some oh so fun. Get your groovin' dancin' boogiein' shoes on......
are they on???????? ...ok...now you are ready to see my mini-me here ....then click on the little memo on the bottom right (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it) for more good times
That's it...I'll catch up with something else at a later time.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Christmas Goodies no. 5 ...and exciting news...
Oh my...I forgot to mention to you that I am finally on a CT, Angela Sharrow's CT to be exact. I'm so psyched! I've only applied for 2 CTs so far because I've been pretty picky with the designer. I love her stuff! If you'd like to check out some of her goods, click here for her stuff in the Digital Freebies store. She hasn't handed out her first assignment yet, but it should be very soon. I'm actually have 3 positions, I will be a designer on the CT, a preview maker, & a QuickPage Artist. Woo-Hoo! There are a couple more calls on DigiShopTalk that I'm interested (Traci Reed & ShelleyRae). Hopefully I'll be able to get my applications in before the deadlines for those.
For those of you that love my alpha from a couple days ago, here's a card I made for my father-in-law last night with his grandsons (my 2 youngest & their cousin)...I used my alpha for this:

credits here
ok...now....are you ready for my Christmas Goodies no. 5 FREEBIE?!?!? I bet you are!
It's three funtabulous papers. Here's the preview:

Download here
I look forward to your lovin' when you grab my goodie. Thanks!
Oh my...I forgot to mention to you that I am finally on a CT, Angela Sharrow's CT to be exact. I'm so psyched! I've only applied for 2 CTs so far because I've been pretty picky with the designer. I love her stuff! If you'd like to check out some of her goods, click here for her stuff in the Digital Freebies store. She hasn't handed out her first assignment yet, but it should be very soon. I'm actually have 3 positions, I will be a designer on the CT, a preview maker, & a QuickPage Artist. Woo-Hoo! There are a couple more calls on DigiShopTalk that I'm interested (Traci Reed & ShelleyRae). Hopefully I'll be able to get my applications in before the deadlines for those.
For those of you that love my alpha from a couple days ago, here's a card I made for my father-in-law last night with his grandsons (my 2 youngest & their cousin)...I used my alpha for this:

credits here
ok...now....are you ready for my Christmas Goodies no. 5 FREEBIE?!?!? I bet you are!
It's three funtabulous papers. Here's the preview:

Download here
I look forward to your lovin' when you grab my goodie. Thanks!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I want to go on strike!
yep, that's right...I'm ready to run away and let everyone (my sons & dh) fin for themselves. I feel kind of like the old saying "Calgon, take me away!", but I need more than Calgon to do the trick. oh! Last night Griffin and Hudson were up between 3ish to 5:30 early this morning. Griffin was the first one up, then when I put him down, Hudson wanted up for a while. I couldn't get either one to fall asleep in the extra bed so we just hung out in the office. (I worked on my little Christmas Goodie freebie in these wee hours). Soooo, my lovely dh ...all he could do was tell me to get a bottle and ask what their problem was since it was interrupting his dear sleep time. Yes, he's the one that has to get up & go into an actual office for work...and I stay home with our little crazy boys all day, but I am the ONLY one that gets up every single morning no matter what time it is to take care of them. I haven't had a morning to just laze in bed while he gets up with them on a weekend morning in MONTHS....literally. The only extra time I have to lay around is when we are in a hotel without the boys....but I still have my dh there...never just me time to veg in bed. OK....enough of venting about that issue......now...the next one.....(oh yay for you)...well, I rolled out of bed at about 8am this morning. Who knows how long the boys had been playing in their room by this time. I walked in their room to find poop smeared on the floor. (sorry people) I usually duct tape Hudson's diaper to him every night because if I don't he will definitely have it off in the morning. Well, I changed his diaper around 4 or 5, sometime early this morning & didn't re-duct tape a new one on him. He rewarded me with being naked from the waist down with the poop on the floor. Now there wasn't any in his diaper, so that means that he just decided to have a little fun. I think he did feel bad because there were wipes around it & some dirty wipes in the Diaper Champ. But jeez...cleaning that and using the steam vac at 8 am isn't that enjoyable of a way to start out a day. We ended up getting to playgroup about 30 minutes this morning and delighting all of my mom friends there with this story. At least we had playgroup this morning and they are both napping now. I wish I could just take a day & night off. Can't I strike? How would I do this without everything going stir crazy, crazier than it is now? I can't wait for my mom and Coop to get into town next week. My dh usually steps up to the plate a bit more when my mom is here. Plus, I will have a little extra help around here for a week. Yay!
Ok....I guess you are ready for your FREEBIE by now....aren't you? I made this really cute festive alpha...but it really is versatile to use any time of the year, especially if you re-color the alphas or stars. It is an entire lower case alpha, an exclamation point, and an asterick. One fun thing is that each of the vowels all have one fun red star on them. Oh so cute!

Download option one
Download option two
please chat for a sec.... let me know how I can go on strike...and leave me some love about my freebie
you might also be able to scroll down to grab another freebie :)
yep, that's right...I'm ready to run away and let everyone (my sons & dh) fin for themselves. I feel kind of like the old saying "Calgon, take me away!", but I need more than Calgon to do the trick. oh! Last night Griffin and Hudson were up between 3ish to 5:30 early this morning. Griffin was the first one up, then when I put him down, Hudson wanted up for a while. I couldn't get either one to fall asleep in the extra bed so we just hung out in the office. (I worked on my little Christmas Goodie freebie in these wee hours). Soooo, my lovely dh ...all he could do was tell me to get a bottle and ask what their problem was since it was interrupting his dear sleep time. Yes, he's the one that has to get up & go into an actual office for work...and I stay home with our little crazy boys all day, but I am the ONLY one that gets up every single morning no matter what time it is to take care of them. I haven't had a morning to just laze in bed while he gets up with them on a weekend morning in MONTHS....literally. The only extra time I have to lay around is when we are in a hotel without the boys....but I still have my dh there...never just me time to veg in bed. OK....enough of venting about that issue......now...the next one.....(oh yay for you)...well, I rolled out of bed at about 8am this morning. Who knows how long the boys had been playing in their room by this time. I walked in their room to find poop smeared on the floor. (sorry people) I usually duct tape Hudson's diaper to him every night because if I don't he will definitely have it off in the morning. Well, I changed his diaper around 4 or 5, sometime early this morning & didn't re-duct tape a new one on him. He rewarded me with being naked from the waist down with the poop on the floor. Now there wasn't any in his diaper, so that means that he just decided to have a little fun. I think he did feel bad because there were wipes around it & some dirty wipes in the Diaper Champ. But jeez...cleaning that and using the steam vac at 8 am isn't that enjoyable of a way to start out a day. We ended up getting to playgroup about 30 minutes this morning and delighting all of my mom friends there with this story. At least we had playgroup this morning and they are both napping now. I wish I could just take a day & night off. Can't I strike? How would I do this without everything going stir crazy, crazier than it is now? I can't wait for my mom and Coop to get into town next week. My dh usually steps up to the plate a bit more when my mom is here. Plus, I will have a little extra help around here for a week. Yay!
Ok....I guess you are ready for your FREEBIE by now....aren't you? I made this really cute festive alpha...but it really is versatile to use any time of the year, especially if you re-color the alphas or stars. It is an entire lower case alpha, an exclamation point, and an asterick. One fun thing is that each of the vowels all have one fun red star on them. Oh so cute!

Download option one
Download option two
please chat for a sec.... let me know how I can go on strike...and leave me some love about my freebie
you might also be able to scroll down to grab another freebie :)
Friday, December 08, 2006
oh so much to jabber about, it's been a while...
Please forgive me for being away for a whole week. We got back from Vegas on Monday (four days ago) and it's taken me a bit to get back into the swing of things. It definitely was the best (hmmm, maybe next to best) excursion I've ever had there. We started out with a friend'
s 40th birthday bash in a sweet suite at the Monte Carlo. Oh my! All you could eat jumbo shrimp & crab legs, an open bar, and dancing all night long. Then, the next day I went shopping with the girls and introduced them to Anthropologie. I just oh so love that store. Here's my new fun & beautiful sweater. You c
an grab one just like it here. We grabbed a pic with some of the gladiators at Ceasar's before we left. (oh...shopping was at Caesar's Forum shops.......the blissful place with a bizillion designers). Nice studly gladiators, wouldn't you say? Welllll, after all of this, I finally got to see my very first Vegas show because we then ventured over to NYNY to see Cirque Du Soleil's Zumanity. It is their sensual/passionate wow of a show. Just simply amazing! A must-see for anyone who's in
Vegas. The night kept keepin' on for us. My dh met up with us after the show for more dancing, at Coyote Ugly. this time. You can't go there without getting up on the bar (I'm in the brown top). So, as you can tell, Jen and I had bunches of fun up there (even though I was probably the oldest chick up there...who cares...you have to have fun in life). Usually dh and I just watch sports, bet on games, and play the tables. He's a big blackjack guy and I'm a roulette girl. We still did all of that too, but that wasn't the complete trip this time. It was sooo nice to experience different things in Vegas for once. I know our next trip will be back to the usual since it's our annual March Madness excursion with friends.
Welllll....enough with my Vegas jabbering..............I have to let you know about my newest kit for sale, it's "Frankie". Even though it's made with beautiful blues, greens, and golds (typical boyish colors), it's super fun for girls too. The patterns and textures are funtabulous. Included in this kit:*6 solid textured patterned papers *12 patterned papers (some textured) *3 brads *1 button *1 paisley *3 ribbons *1 slide *1 straight stitchin' *1 corner stitchin' *1 button stitchin' *2 tags *5 words *5 punctuation marks

Grab it here.
you are probably itchin' for another FREEBIE by now....here you go....it's just some little doodles for Christmas...a cute tree and some ornaments for you to color in
Download here
That's it for now. Please jabber back at me. I love reading your thoughts. Thanks & have a groovy Friday.
Please forgive me for being away for a whole week. We got back from Vegas on Monday (four days ago) and it's taken me a bit to get back into the swing of things. It definitely was the best (hmmm, maybe next to best) excursion I've ever had there. We started out with a friend'

Welllll....enough with my Vegas jabbering..............I have to let you know about my newest kit for sale, it's "Frankie". Even though it's made with beautiful blues, greens, and golds (typical boyish colors), it's super fun for girls too. The patterns and textures are funtabulous. Included in this kit:*6 solid textured patterned papers *12 patterned papers (some textured) *3 brads *1 button *1 paisley *3 ribbons *1 slide *1 straight stitchin' *1 corner stitchin' *1 button stitchin' *2 tags *5 words *5 punctuation marks

Grab it here.

Download here
That's it for now. Please jabber back at me. I love reading your thoughts. Thanks & have a groovy Friday.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Christmas Goodie - Day 2 - woo-hoo!
I am so puzzled. Somehow a couple of my files vanished from yesterday. How can they just disappear???? I don't understand it. I've searched on my hard drives for both my desktop and my laptop, plus my e-drive, and they are nowhere to be found. It's just too weird! One of the files was my goodie tree from yesterday. So now you all have it, but I don't. It was sooo popular the link is already expired. Too TOO weird! Both the files were ones I made yesterday (the other was some sorority stuff I needed). I wonder if I'll find out later than I'm missing something else.
Oh well....time to move on.........and give you your 2nd goodie. Your 3rd one won't come until Monday or Tuesday since I'm heading to Vegas in a few hours. Sooooooo....here is some fun wordart for you. It's not your typical Christmassy colors, but I'm sure it will fit in well with some of those great funky kits out there right now....OR just recolor to better fit your needs (BUT please don't forget to credit me for the design). One, the Happy Happy Joy Joy one, is great for Hanakuh things or just any ordinary fun days too.

Download option 1
Download option 2
Download option 3
Dang! Did I just get VERY generous or what???? It was such a speedy upload and since I'll be away for a couple days, I figured I'd be extra nice to make this goodie last a bit longer.
Please enjoy, leave me a comment, scrap sassy silly, and give me credit (no piracy ..please).
I am so puzzled. Somehow a couple of my files vanished from yesterday. How can they just disappear???? I don't understand it. I've searched on my hard drives for both my desktop and my laptop, plus my e-drive, and they are nowhere to be found. It's just too weird! One of the files was my goodie tree from yesterday. So now you all have it, but I don't. It was sooo popular the link is already expired. Too TOO weird! Both the files were ones I made yesterday (the other was some sorority stuff I needed). I wonder if I'll find out later than I'm missing something else.
Oh well....time to move on.........and give you your 2nd goodie. Your 3rd one won't come until Monday or Tuesday since I'm heading to Vegas in a few hours. Sooooooo....here is some fun wordart for you. It's not your typical Christmassy colors, but I'm sure it will fit in well with some of those great funky kits out there right now....OR just recolor to better fit your needs (BUT please don't forget to credit me for the design). One, the Happy Happy Joy Joy one, is great for Hanakuh things or just any ordinary fun days too.

Download option 1
Download option 2
Download option 3
Dang! Did I just get VERY generous or what???? It was such a speedy upload and since I'll be away for a couple days, I figured I'd be extra nice to make this goodie last a bit longer.
Please enjoy, leave me a comment, scrap sassy silly, and give me credit (no piracy ..please).
Friday, December 01, 2006
December 1 - Day 1 FREEBIE...
Happy happy joy joy.....it's getting closer to that big Santa day! I'm also sooooo thankful that I don't live in KC or STL any more since it's sooooo frickin' cold there right now. I'll have to call my family in a bit to make sure they are all ok & have power. Oh! It's so nice to be freezing in the 30s in Phoenix. At least it will warm up to the 50s or 60s today. And to think I thought I was freezing outside the last couple of days when it was a blistering 57 here. All I need is a nice cup of hot chocolate and I'm good to go for the morning. (no earmuffs, scarves or gloves for me)
And...to make things even better I'm heading to Vegas this weekend for a little fun.
Well...since it's now December, I'm going to do my best to give you little Christmas presents frequently. Just little things, but more frequently. Today you get this cute little tree to adorn your LOs and/or Christmas cards.

please enjoy!
this tree coordinates with my contribution to DSC's December Mega kit

Isn't this so fun & festive? The links for the FREEBIE mega won't start to be available for another week or so. I'll let you know when that happens. BUT....the FREEBIE November links are still up for a bit right now. Grab them here.
Happy happy joy joy.....it's getting closer to that big Santa day! I'm also sooooo thankful that I don't live in KC or STL any more since it's sooooo frickin' cold there right now. I'll have to call my family in a bit to make sure they are all ok & have power. Oh! It's so nice to be freezing in the 30s in Phoenix. At least it will warm up to the 50s or 60s today. And to think I thought I was freezing outside the last couple of days when it was a blistering 57 here. All I need is a nice cup of hot chocolate and I'm good to go for the morning. (no earmuffs, scarves or gloves for me)
And...to make things even better I'm heading to Vegas this weekend for a little fun.
Well...since it's now December, I'm going to do my best to give you little Christmas presents frequently. Just little things, but more frequently. Today you get this cute little tree to adorn your LOs and/or Christmas cards.

please enjoy!
this tree coordinates with my contribution to DSC's December Mega kit

Isn't this so fun & festive? The links for the FREEBIE mega won't start to be available for another week or so. I'll let you know when that happens. BUT....the FREEBIE November links are still up for a bit right now. Grab them here.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
More FREEBIES...bunches of 'em too
dang! If you are looking for some goodies...this is the perfect place to find them....WOO-Hoo for you (AGAIN)
To grab one fab freebie of mine, my "Say Cheese Please" mini kit, you can have fun playing with my current Descriptive Word Challenge at DSC. It's all about depicting IMAGINATION. I think that leaves it wide open for soooo many different fun LOs, especially when little kids are involved.
my Challenge Freebie:

my ABC Imagination LO:

I did a LO with these pics in May, but I really didn't like it...now I love it....and now worthy of my ABC book for the grandparents.............as soon as our new blinds were delivered, Hudson just knew the boxes would make the perfect freeway for his vehicles
papers from Jeannie Papai's Boys Boys and more Boys Add-on and Rachel Solenberg's Theresa kits
star is by me (Sara Ellis)
font is arial black
Now...for 9 mini kits (yes, that's right....9 of them) which make up one very large MEGA kit ...you better run fast, before some of those links start disappearing .... DSC's November Mega kit is all about "giving thanks".
My contribution was the last one to be unveiled for it. Just scroll down a smidge and you can see my "Family Dinner" preview.
Last...but not least....... one other LO to share:

journalling: Hudson.... I was so bummed I didn’t have my camera with us while we were in the frontyard waiting for the mail to be delivered today. You were being the best overprotective big brother you could be. Every time you heard a car, you had to go hold Griffin to make sure he didn’t wander down our driveway. I just kept telling you how precious & sweet you were being. It was the first time I’d ever seen you act that way. 11.27.06 ~Mom (Hudson is 26 mo & Griffin is 13 mo)
this is the first time I've ever done a LO w/o a picture.... I just had to remember this moment...it was way too precious!
Annie papers by Sara Ellis (me)
paisleys (colored in) from Tiny Village of Paisleys by Valerie Fowler
doodle heart, staples, and Sooo Cute from Girl Notes by Lauren Grier
font is Hockey is Lif
don't forget:
1) leave me some lovin' ..... I love reading all the comments
2) check back here often (hint hint...bookmark my blog)...you never know when a FREEBIE will pop up (hmmmmm, is one still available now???....scrolling down should become a hobby of yours)
3) Scrap yourself Sassy Silly!
dang! If you are looking for some goodies...this is the perfect place to find them....WOO-Hoo for you (AGAIN)
To grab one fab freebie of mine, my "Say Cheese Please" mini kit, you can have fun playing with my current Descriptive Word Challenge at DSC. It's all about depicting IMAGINATION. I think that leaves it wide open for soooo many different fun LOs, especially when little kids are involved.
my Challenge Freebie:

my ABC Imagination LO:

I did a LO with these pics in May, but I really didn't like it...now I love it....and now worthy of my ABC book for the grandparents.............as soon as our new blinds were delivered, Hudson just knew the boxes would make the perfect freeway for his vehicles
papers from Jeannie Papai's Boys Boys and more Boys Add-on and Rachel Solenberg's Theresa kits
star is by me (Sara Ellis)
font is arial black
Now...for 9 mini kits (yes, that's right....9 of them) which make up one very large MEGA kit ...you better run fast, before some of those links start disappearing .... DSC's November Mega kit is all about "giving thanks".
My contribution was the last one to be unveiled for it. Just scroll down a smidge and you can see my "Family Dinner" preview.
Last...but not least....... one other LO to share:

journalling: Hudson.... I was so bummed I didn’t have my camera with us while we were in the frontyard waiting for the mail to be delivered today. You were being the best overprotective big brother you could be. Every time you heard a car, you had to go hold Griffin to make sure he didn’t wander down our driveway. I just kept telling you how precious & sweet you were being. It was the first time I’d ever seen you act that way. 11.27.06 ~Mom (Hudson is 26 mo & Griffin is 13 mo)
this is the first time I've ever done a LO w/o a picture.... I just had to remember this moment...it was way too precious!
Annie papers by Sara Ellis (me)
paisleys (colored in) from Tiny Village of Paisleys by Valerie Fowler
doodle heart, staples, and Sooo Cute from Girl Notes by Lauren Grier
font is Hockey is Lif
don't forget:
1) leave me some lovin' ..... I love reading all the comments
2) check back here often (hint hint...bookmark my blog)...you never know when a FREEBIE will pop up (hmmmmm, is one still available now???....scrolling down should become a hobby of yours)
3) Scrap yourself Sassy Silly!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Gobble Gobble...Happy Turkey day FREEBIE
Oh my..this is the longest I've gone without posting a little of anything on here. I'm such a blog slacker, aren't I? Bad me. I've just been busy working on my new ABC book for all of the grandparents for Christmas. I'm now working on "I" for Imagination and working on my newest Scrap Shop kit for DSC. If you don't know, I get to sell one kit a month since I'm on their Elements Team.
Before I share my goodies with you, I wanted to share a little tidbit from a "thankful" thread at TheDigiChick.
What I'm thankful for:
1. I am thankful for having a houseful of boys (including my big boy husband).
2. I am thankful I live in Phoenix with BEAUTIFUL weather (upper 80s this week & we've been hangin' in the backyard listenin' to Christmas tunes).
3. I am thankful that I am a SAHM and can see my little ones do crazy stuff every day.
4. I am thankful that my MIL watches the boys almost any time I want a break.
5. I am thankful that my husband only has a broken rib and didn't puncture anything crazy inside (Friday night stood on a stool, fell on it, pain for a few days, finally went to Urgent care Tuesday...yes, he wasn't too smart).
6. I am thankful that we have duct tape to make sure that Hudson doesn't remove his diaper late at night or early in the morning. (started this three nights ago & it's FABULOUS) :)
7. I am thankful I get to play with the digi chick chickies. How fun.
DSC has 4 links available right now for their November Mega Kit. So that means you can grab 4 Thanksgiving themed mini kits. How fun for you! The links are only up for a limited time, so scurry on over there now. My contribution isn't available yet, but please check back often so you can grab it. Here's a little preview of mine, "Family Dinner":

This week I've been working on my December Scrap Shop kit, "Frankie". I'm loving it. It's a little retro with great golds, blues, & greens so it's fun for a boy or girl. My little Thanksgiving goodie to you is the Frankie Sneak Peek Sampler. Woo-hoo! All of the papers have a great little texture to them.

Download option 1
Download option 2
As always, please leave me some lovin' when you grab my FREEBIES.
Now eat yourself silly today and enjoy your family time! We're heading over to both sets of my hubby's parents houses today (no cooking again for me...yay!). It will be another long holiday day for us. Hopefully all of the boys will do ok (including my hubby since his broken rib & medication made him get sick 3 or 4 times yesterday. So not fun for him if he can't eat all of the huge spreads.
Oh my..this is the longest I've gone without posting a little of anything on here. I'm such a blog slacker, aren't I? Bad me. I've just been busy working on my new ABC book for all of the grandparents for Christmas. I'm now working on "I" for Imagination and working on my newest Scrap Shop kit for DSC. If you don't know, I get to sell one kit a month since I'm on their Elements Team.
Before I share my goodies with you, I wanted to share a little tidbit from a "thankful" thread at TheDigiChick.
What I'm thankful for:
1. I am thankful for having a houseful of boys (including my big boy husband).
2. I am thankful I live in Phoenix with BEAUTIFUL weather (upper 80s this week & we've been hangin' in the backyard listenin' to Christmas tunes).
3. I am thankful that I am a SAHM and can see my little ones do crazy stuff every day.
4. I am thankful that my MIL watches the boys almost any time I want a break.
5. I am thankful that my husband only has a broken rib and didn't puncture anything crazy inside (Friday night stood on a stool, fell on it, pain for a few days, finally went to Urgent care Tuesday...yes, he wasn't too smart).
6. I am thankful that we have duct tape to make sure that Hudson doesn't remove his diaper late at night or early in the morning. (started this three nights ago & it's FABULOUS) :)
7. I am thankful I get to play with the digi chick chickies. How fun.
DSC has 4 links available right now for their November Mega Kit. So that means you can grab 4 Thanksgiving themed mini kits. How fun for you! The links are only up for a limited time, so scurry on over there now. My contribution isn't available yet, but please check back often so you can grab it. Here's a little preview of mine, "Family Dinner":

This week I've been working on my December Scrap Shop kit, "Frankie". I'm loving it. It's a little retro with great golds, blues, & greens so it's fun for a boy or girl. My little Thanksgiving goodie to you is the Frankie Sneak Peek Sampler. Woo-hoo! All of the papers have a great little texture to them.

Download option 1
Download option 2
As always, please leave me some lovin' when you grab my FREEBIES.
Now eat yourself silly today and enjoy your family time! We're heading over to both sets of my hubby's parents houses today (no cooking again for me...yay!). It will be another long holiday day for us. Hopefully all of the boys will do ok (including my hubby since his broken rib & medication made him get sick 3 or 4 times yesterday. So not fun for him if he can't eat all of the huge spreads.
Monday, November 13, 2006
oh me oh my....beta blogger..ugh!
welllll, as you can tell....I finally found a great help for beta blogger dummies ...so that helped me get my header banner up ...and I also added a slideshow & stamp for my designs and layouts
now those are appearing ABOVE my banner & I can't get them to move below it .....sooooo, later tonight and/or tomorrow I have to search through that blogger dummies blog to see if it can help me once again
in the meantime...I hope you enjoy the craziness of the appearance :)
welllll, as you can tell....I finally found a great help for beta blogger dummies ...so that helped me get my header banner up ...and I also added a slideshow & stamp for my designs and layouts
now those are appearing ABOVE my banner & I can't get them to move below it .....sooooo, later tonight and/or tomorrow I have to search through that blogger dummies blog to see if it can help me once again
in the meantime...I hope you enjoy the craziness of the appearance :)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I updated my blog header!
Late last night I updated my header with bits and pieces of several of my kits. I think it looks much more fun than it did before since I made that a few months ago and only with one of my very early kits. Now I just need to update my blog blinkie so it can coordinate with it. Ok....I don't reallyhave much else to say right now. I'm just a bit boring and will ramble ...sooooo...later!
*****WELLLLL...now that I look at it...the new Beta format of Blogger is making things difficult for me...my header has no disappeared so I have to find help to get it back on the page... oh-whoa-is-me
Late last night I updated my header with bits and pieces of several of my kits. I think it looks much more fun than it did before since I made that a few months ago and only with one of my very early kits. Now I just need to update my blog blinkie so it can coordinate with it. Ok....I don't reallyhave much else to say right now. I'm just a bit boring and will ramble ...sooooo...later!
*****WELLLLL...now that I look at it...the new Beta format of Blogger is making things difficult for me...my header has no disappeared so I have to find help to get it back on the page... oh-whoa-is-me
Thursday, November 09, 2006
it's LO sharing time again
ok...here's a few LOs that I have recently made...
Griffin's 1st birthday...it's with his Aunt JuJu

Luminous Life kit by Sara Ellis (me) available at DigiScrapCentral's Scrap Shop
template by Victoria Feemster at One of a Kind Skrapz (oodles of challenges there)
font is initial
another birthday pic ...

journaling: It took you a little while to figure out what to do with your cake, you had so much more fun playing with it than you did eating it. Happy 1st Birthday, Griffin!
sketch by Nikki for a sketch challenge at TheDigiChick
Sweet Liberty Paper Pack Essentials from DigitalDesignEssentials
font is Century Gothic
my first All About Me page...me wearing a goofy tiara at my sorority's convention, June 2006

Perfect kit by Sara Ellis (me) available at DigiScrapCentral
Andrea Burns' Sampler rose available at TheDigiChick
fonts are initial, douglas adams hand, convential wisdom
Every game day during the 2004 football season our son, Hudson, had to wear his ASU gear...and Daddy just had to have pics taken before he left for the games......
Sept & Oct 2004 Hudson was 11 days to 1 mo 9 days in the pics (Daddy is the one with the goatee)

Team Sparky kit by Sara Ellis (me)
sketch by Rachel Giallongo for the current sketch challenge at TDC
fonts are initial, century gothic, ms serif
DUCKS! Hudson, Sept. 2006....are we lucky or what? since we live in Phoenix, we can have a beautiful walk to feed the ducks most anyday of the year...it's just very HOT in the summer

journalling: I love the cool fall mornings walking to feed the ducks.
September Sun sampler by Laura Alpuche available at TDC
font is initial
I hope you enjoyed! Now it's time to find a new pic to scrap. :)
ok...here's a few LOs that I have recently made...
Griffin's 1st birthday...it's with his Aunt JuJu

Luminous Life kit by Sara Ellis (me) available at DigiScrapCentral's Scrap Shop
template by Victoria Feemster at One of a Kind Skrapz (oodles of challenges there)
font is initial
another birthday pic ...

journaling: It took you a little while to figure out what to do with your cake, you had so much more fun playing with it than you did eating it. Happy 1st Birthday, Griffin!
sketch by Nikki for a sketch challenge at TheDigiChick
Sweet Liberty Paper Pack Essentials from DigitalDesignEssentials
font is Century Gothic
my first All About Me page...me wearing a goofy tiara at my sorority's convention, June 2006

Perfect kit by Sara Ellis (me) available at DigiScrapCentral
Andrea Burns' Sampler rose available at TheDigiChick
fonts are initial, douglas adams hand, convential wisdom
Every game day during the 2004 football season our son, Hudson, had to wear his ASU gear...and Daddy just had to have pics taken before he left for the games......
Sept & Oct 2004 Hudson was 11 days to 1 mo 9 days in the pics (Daddy is the one with the goatee)

Team Sparky kit by Sara Ellis (me)
sketch by Rachel Giallongo for the current sketch challenge at TDC
fonts are initial, century gothic, ms serif
DUCKS! Hudson, Sept. 2006....are we lucky or what? since we live in Phoenix, we can have a beautiful walk to feed the ducks most anyday of the year...it's just very HOT in the summer

journalling: I love the cool fall mornings walking to feed the ducks.
September Sun sampler by Laura Alpuche available at TDC
font is initial
I hope you enjoyed! Now it's time to find a new pic to scrap. :)
I want a design gig...stilllllll
I'm still hoping for a designer gig at a fab shop and I can only offer 1 kit/month at DigiScrapCentral. I get the teeny DSC gig as a bonus for being on their Elements Team. Soooo, I'm just going to offer some FREEBIES a little more frequently now. Right now I really love working on smudge papers. They are just so fun to play with. Because of this, I have a really cute little paper pack for you, "Annie". All 6 papers are textured, 3 are solid smudged and 3 have fab little smudged patterns. I really love my funkied one with flowers and doodles. Hopefully you will too.
Here it is:

I don't want the downloads to run out too fast, so I'm giving out 200 of them. Woo-Hoo!!!
Download option 1
Download option 2
I also made a couple more LOs this week. Yay for me. I just kind of go in spurts between designing, forum chit chats (TheDigiChick, CreateMyKeepsake, & DigiScrapCentral more so the last couple of days), & working on LOs.
Right now I'm too tired to post my recent LOs, but you are more than welcome to check them out here
night night...it's almost 1am now
****scroll down.....read about my challenge & participate, baby!!!!..........AND you might find another FREEBIE available that's available for a couple more days
I'm still hoping for a designer gig at a fab shop and I can only offer 1 kit/month at DigiScrapCentral. I get the teeny DSC gig as a bonus for being on their Elements Team. Soooo, I'm just going to offer some FREEBIES a little more frequently now. Right now I really love working on smudge papers. They are just so fun to play with. Because of this, I have a really cute little paper pack for you, "Annie". All 6 papers are textured, 3 are solid smudged and 3 have fab little smudged patterns. I really love my funkied one with flowers and doodles. Hopefully you will too.
Here it is:

I don't want the downloads to run out too fast, so I'm giving out 200 of them. Woo-Hoo!!!
Download option 1
Download option 2
I also made a couple more LOs this week. Yay for me. I just kind of go in spurts between designing, forum chit chats (TheDigiChick, CreateMyKeepsake, & DigiScrapCentral more so the last couple of days), & working on LOs.
Right now I'm too tired to post my recent LOs, but you are more than welcome to check them out here
night night...it's almost 1am now
****scroll down.....read about my challenge & participate, baby!!!!..........AND you might find another FREEBIE available that's available for a couple more days
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Scary Magic Erasers
Non-Scrapping stuff ------ I just found this article about how these can burn your skin. The newest packages now have a warning label, but many out there apparently do not. Please read this to find out more.
Non-Scrapping stuff ------ I just found this article about how these can burn your skin. The newest packages now have a warning label, but many out there apparently do not. Please read this to find out more.
Monday, November 06, 2006
a WONDERful challenge at DSC
My newest Descriptive Word Challenge is now running at DSC. Woo-Hoo! The word of the moment is WONDER. Just make a LO that showcases that word in one way or another.
Get more info here.
Participate in the challenge and you will receive my "Team Sparky" mini kit when the entire challenge is over. It runs until November 19th.
Team Sparky includes 8 papers (textured smudges & patterns), 1 fiber, 1 ribbon, 2 paperclips, 2 arrow stickers, 3 word arts.

Here is my wonder LO. It features my youngest son, Griffin, at 11 months looking out at our backyard.

journaling: Stuff your eyes with wonder . . . live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. ~Ray Bradbury
Good Times (papers & butterfly doodle) by Michelle Underwood, Doodle Swirl by Megan Leeson,
fonts are initial & levity
now....go Scrap Sassy Silly!!!! so you can grab this great little kit
*****don't forget to scroll down to see if you can grab a freebie here right now ****
My newest Descriptive Word Challenge is now running at DSC. Woo-Hoo! The word of the moment is WONDER. Just make a LO that showcases that word in one way or another.
Get more info here.
Participate in the challenge and you will receive my "Team Sparky" mini kit when the entire challenge is over. It runs until November 19th.
Team Sparky includes 8 papers (textured smudges & patterns), 1 fiber, 1 ribbon, 2 paperclips, 2 arrow stickers, 3 word arts.

Here is my wonder LO. It features my youngest son, Griffin, at 11 months looking out at our backyard.

journaling: Stuff your eyes with wonder . . . live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories. ~Ray Bradbury
Good Times (papers & butterfly doodle) by Michelle Underwood, Doodle Swirl by Megan Leeson,
fonts are initial & levity
now....go Scrap Sassy Silly!!!! so you can grab this great little kit
*****don't forget to scroll down to see if you can grab a freebie here right now ****
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
new kit, new sampler for you
Doesn't the name "Perfect" just sound so fabulous??? Since I've wanted a great black & white kit for a while, I just decided to make one myself.....and, oh...I just love it (of course!). Why wouldn't I love something I made? I think that lately I believe that each kit I work on is my newest favorite. That's a pretty good sign I think too. As you can tell, it isn't only black & white, just the papers are. Most of the embellishments have sparks of color to liven it up a tad. Isn't it dreamy???? ok ok...enough already......here's my "Perfect" kit

sooooooo.......anyway.........here's a great sample of it for you

download FREEBIE sampler here
...or...download FREEBIE sampler here
purchase the entire kit here
please leave me some lovin' when you grab your FREEBIE, then go Scrap Sassy Silly!
Doesn't the name "Perfect" just sound so fabulous??? Since I've wanted a great black & white kit for a while, I just decided to make one myself.....and, oh...I just love it (of course!). Why wouldn't I love something I made? I think that lately I believe that each kit I work on is my newest favorite. That's a pretty good sign I think too. As you can tell, it isn't only black & white, just the papers are. Most of the embellishments have sparks of color to liven it up a tad. Isn't it dreamy???? ok ok...enough already......here's my "Perfect" kit

sooooooo.......anyway.........here's a great sample of it for you

download FREEBIE sampler here
...or...download FREEBIE sampler here
purchase the entire kit here
please leave me some lovin' when you grab your FREEBIE, then go Scrap Sassy Silly!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
lovin' Ebay even more!......plus another FREEBIE
I don't know why it never dawned on me earlier to try out selling my designs on Ebay. Dang! There is definitely a market there for digiscrap stuff too. I only started with 3 day listings for curiosity sakes & I made my very first sale yesterday! Woo-Hoo! It was for my Spunky Stars Alphas that I gave away on here a couple weeks ago. Here's just a few of my previews:

You can find everything here in my new shop. Most of the listings expire tonight so please hurry fast.
It's been about a week since I've offered a FREEBIE, so here you go....it's a sampler for my "Luminous Life" kit.

download here
I hope I'm making lots of people happy. I know I am. As always, please leave me some lovin' when you grab my FREEBIE. Thanks!
I don't know why it never dawned on me earlier to try out selling my designs on Ebay. Dang! There is definitely a market there for digiscrap stuff too. I only started with 3 day listings for curiosity sakes & I made my very first sale yesterday! Woo-Hoo! It was for my Spunky Stars Alphas that I gave away on here a couple weeks ago. Here's just a few of my previews:

It's been about a week since I've offered a FREEBIE, so here you go....it's a sampler for my "Luminous Life" kit.

download here
I hope I'm making lots of people happy. I know I am. As always, please leave me some lovin' when you grab my FREEBIE. Thanks!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
another birthday gift to you!!!!!!
It's my hubby's 40th birthday...well, it's almost midnight so I guess it's a belated birthday present to all of you now. Anyway, here are some fun corners to adorn your pages and photos. I hope you love all 4 of them! I have even allowed 2 opportunities (200 complete downloads) for lots of grabbing.

1st chance download
2nd chance download
***please scroll down to grab some other FREEBIEs that I made available earlier this week...........enjoy!
***I'd also love to get some answers to the questions I have on my last posting...thanks!
It's my hubby's 40th birthday...well, it's almost midnight so I guess it's a belated birthday present to all of you now. Anyway, here are some fun corners to adorn your pages and photos. I hope you love all 4 of them! I have even allowed 2 opportunities (200 complete downloads) for lots of grabbing.

1st chance download
2nd chance download
***please scroll down to grab some other FREEBIEs that I made available earlier this week...........enjoy!
***I'd also love to get some answers to the questions I have on my last posting...thanks!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
"Boo You" mini kit .......and coming soon
I'm so excited! My "Boo You" mini is the very first link available for DSC's October Mega Kit.

Isn't it festive?
Hurry on over there and grab it before the link disappears.
and....coming soon.......a new FREEBIE...a few cute curly corners...it's my hubby's big 40th birthday today, so I have to give you something fun, don't I?
oh! one more thing! .... a little advice please.....I've offered up kits, alphas, frames, wordart, a template, to name a few things.....what would you like to see next? after the curly corners, that is .......would you like something similar to what I've already done, something new, let me have it....I'd really like to hear from you.........................thanks :)
I'm so excited! My "Boo You" mini is the very first link available for DSC's October Mega Kit.

Isn't it festive?
Hurry on over there and grab it before the link disappears.
and....coming soon.......a new FREEBIE...a few cute curly corners...it's my hubby's big 40th birthday today, so I have to give you something fun, don't I?
oh! one more thing! .... a little advice please.....I've offered up kits, alphas, frames, wordart, a template, to name a few things.....what would you like to see next? after the curly corners, that is .......would you like something similar to what I've already done, something new, let me have it....I'd really like to hear from you.........................thanks :)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hooray hooray...it's template time!
I decided to try designing and sharing a template with you. Oh how fun is that! I made one to coordinate with my Spunky Stars kit, but you can use it however you'd like. The download file contains a layered PSD file and a JPG file of it.

and my LO with my son, Griffin

Download here
Please enjoy and leave me some lovin' when you grab it. Thanks :)
*I used one of my Spunky Stars alphas with the LO. Scroll down, it's still available as a freebie.
I decided to try designing and sharing a template with you. Oh how fun is that! I made one to coordinate with my Spunky Stars kit, but you can use it however you'd like. The download file contains a layered PSD file and a JPG file of it.

and my LO with my son, Griffin

Download here
Please enjoy and leave me some lovin' when you grab it. Thanks :)
*I used one of my Spunky Stars alphas with the LO. Scroll down, it's still available as a freebie.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Griffin's 1st birthday FREEBIES & more LOs from me
It seems like I've been busier than ever lately working on some new LOs (with the help of some challenges at TheDigiChick, rather than designing. 3 of the next 4 LOs were because of those challenges. Before I offer up the great FREEBIEs in honor of Griffin's birthday, I'm going to share some of my LO's with you so I hope you will enjoy.

all details and comments can be found here
Now....time for this great FREEBIE...this is my 3rd FREEBIE day this week....woo-hoo for you! I have 2 Alphas+ and a paper. The Alpha1 has upper & lowercase, numbers and extras and Alpha2 just as lowercase. The paper doesn't quite coordinate, but it's the end result of me working on a smudge page, walking away from the computer for a moment, my 2 year old hitting a few buttons, and wa-la!, this neat striped page with a woody grain to it. It does have a tiny smudge on the bottom right hand corner which adds a little bit of character I guess. He must've hit the gradient button & who knows what else. It definitely doesn't look anything like what I started with. Since the 1st Alpha file was so large, I had to divide this into two separate downloads. Both Alphas coordinate with The Spunky Stars that I offered up earlier, as well as the Dr. Seuss quotes that are still available.

Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts1
Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts2
(be sure to grab both - they are two DIFFERENT freebies)
As always, please leave me a love note when you grab my freebies. I'd also love to hear any CC too. Thanks and have a FANTABULOUS weekend!
It seems like I've been busier than ever lately working on some new LOs (with the help of some challenges at TheDigiChick, rather than designing. 3 of the next 4 LOs were because of those challenges. Before I offer up the great FREEBIEs in honor of Griffin's birthday, I'm going to share some of my LO's with you so I hope you will enjoy.

all details and comments can be found here
Now....time for this great FREEBIE...this is my 3rd FREEBIE day this week....woo-hoo for you! I have 2 Alphas+ and a paper. The Alpha1 has upper & lowercase, numbers and extras and Alpha2 just as lowercase. The paper doesn't quite coordinate, but it's the end result of me working on a smudge page, walking away from the computer for a moment, my 2 year old hitting a few buttons, and wa-la!, this neat striped page with a woody grain to it. It does have a tiny smudge on the bottom right hand corner which adds a little bit of character I guess. He must've hit the gradient button & who knows what else. It definitely doesn't look anything like what I started with. Since the 1st Alpha file was so large, I had to divide this into two separate downloads. Both Alphas coordinate with The Spunky Stars that I offered up earlier, as well as the Dr. Seuss quotes that are still available.

Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts1
Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts2
(be sure to grab both - they are two DIFFERENT freebies)
As always, please leave me a love note when you grab my freebies. I'd also love to hear any CC too. Thanks and have a FANTABULOUS weekend!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
"Luminous Life" now up in DSC's Scrap Shop.
Yay! My 3rd kit ever up for sale is now available for all.
Here is the full preview along with a little detailed sample of it.

my LO using the kit and one of my Dr. Seuss FREEBIE quotes below (font is initial):

You can grab the full kit here.
I'd love to hear what you think about it.
Also...don't forget there is a great freebie available below. :)
Yay! My 3rd kit ever up for sale is now available for all.
Here is the full preview along with a little detailed sample of it.

my LO using the kit and one of my Dr. Seuss FREEBIE quotes below (font is initial):

You can grab the full kit here.
I'd love to hear what you think about it.
Also...don't forget there is a great freebie available below. :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
fun WORDART.....Dr. Seuss rules!!!!!!
oh my....I can't wait until Griffin's birthday on Friday to offer another FREEBIE. I have to have at least one FREEBIE available at all times. Since I love Dr. Seuss so much, I decided to make a couple fun wordarts.
Don't these look great?

I have two downloads available so it doesn't run out too fast.
1st download option
2nd download option
Please leave me some luvin' after you grab these goodies. :)
oh my....I can't wait until Griffin's birthday on Friday to offer another FREEBIE. I have to have at least one FREEBIE available at all times. Since I love Dr. Seuss so much, I decided to make a couple fun wordarts.
Don't these look great?

I have two downloads available so it doesn't run out too fast.
1st download option
2nd download option
Please leave me some luvin' after you grab these goodies. :)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
LOs, LOs, LOs...and a little more
I've been busy since I got back from San Diego. I submitted my next kit, "Luminous Life" to DSC's Scrap Shop (hopefully it will be available VERY soon...I'll share it here at that time), made a funch of LOs (most from our little trip), had a tiny 1st birthday party for Griffin, and watched the Cards clinch the NLDS tonight. Griffin's birthday isn't really until the 13th, but this morning worked out best for our family. I'll try to have some of his pics &/or LOs up by his birthday. I'm also going to have one super great FREEBIE then too. It's going to coordinate with Hudson's birthday goodie, "Spunky Stars".
For now, please enjoy my recent LOs...

find all journaling & credits here
I did add some small drop shadows to the ones I forgot about ...AFTER I uploaded to photobucket. ooooops
leave me your lovin! I really enjoy reading it.
I've been busy since I got back from San Diego. I submitted my next kit, "Luminous Life" to DSC's Scrap Shop (hopefully it will be available VERY soon...I'll share it here at that time), made a funch of LOs (most from our little trip), had a tiny 1st birthday party for Griffin, and watched the Cards clinch the NLDS tonight. Griffin's birthday isn't really until the 13th, but this morning worked out best for our family. I'll try to have some of his pics &/or LOs up by his birthday. I'm also going to have one super great FREEBIE then too. It's going to coordinate with Hudson's birthday goodie, "Spunky Stars".
For now, please enjoy my recent LOs...

find all journaling & credits here
I did add some small drop shadows to the ones I forgot about ...AFTER I uploaded to photobucket. ooooops
leave me your lovin! I really enjoy reading it.
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