Oh that darned
Serena! She taggedme with the lovely 5 cool/unusual things lis thingamabob that's been moving around the digiscrap obsessed blog world lately. She evn laughed at the fact I don't have a normal-acting keyboard. Because of my keybord/computer isues, I have to backtrack and fil in missing charcters so everyone can ead his like normal. UGH! soooooo, this blog post is staying lie it appears.....hpefully you will be able to read it ok.
here goes...
1. I used to live in
Peculiar, MO (just south of KC) and graduated from Raymore-Peculiar HS (a/k/a Ray-Pec). Nicename for a small hic town, huh? I actually grew up in the suburbs of KC for my first 17 years and thn we moved 20 minutes out to thissmall town for the acreage and horses. My HS has been state champs in Missouri 5A footall fr 3 years in a row! very cool! and their coach is from my grad class
2. I'm still very involved in my sorority,
Alpha Phi. I was initiated exactly 20 years ago thisweek. I serve as our SW Regional Alumnae Membership Coord.
3. I ate mshed potatoes for the very first time when Iwas 35. It was a texture thing. I thought they would be so nasty because they looked so boring. Now, yummmmmmmmm! Jeff and I were inChicago at
TheHouse o Blues for one f our irst dates (a long weekend vacation date too)
4. Fried chicken livers are my very favorite food. It'ssoooo tough to find anywhere that sells them, unless I mak them myself. That very rarely happens since my dh won't eat them.
Fiorella's Jack Stack restaurants in KC have theBEST ones by far. I haven't foud anywere in Phoenix with any. too sad

5. People used to think I was
Moly Rigwald back when the John Hughes movies were big. I would get stopped all the time bepeple calling me Molly. I never had rd hair, but I looked like her in very other ay back then. My dh doesn't belive me...but it's soooo true....I wish I was stll in contact with my friens from back then so they vouch. Oh! I lve Sixteen Candes, Pretty in Pink, and Breakfast Club very much still!
a little note about Boo...it's been a while sice I've mentioned her ...she is still here for now...her tumor looks prettysad becase shehas been aggravatin it by licking it non-stop, i just looks so raw ...until this morning when Iwrapped her tumor & leg with a diaper ...........Jeff is sill aving the hardest time deciding a day to put her down...it really is thebest decision...she's 15-16 years old and the only way she will be competely bettr is f e amputate her leg
another recipe for you ...... I'm loving my crock pot ately ........I madethis Tuesday night
Cheesy Potatoes
cream of chicken soup
8 small red potatoes - cut into wedges
1/2 sweet onion - diced
1/2 cup grated cheese (your favorite flavors)
salt and pepper
*pour in the soup and then vrythng else
*cook on high for 3-4 hours
*serves 4-6people
now ... a couple funtabulous LOs
our engagement, May 17, 2003

yogurt, the new hair gel (shortly after Griffin fed himself yogurt for breakfast)
please see my galleries (links at right) for credits
reminder - head over to my store and get $1.00 off of your purchase with code SE1
now it's time for you to leave me some lovin' ...I really love your comments!!!!
(as always please scroll dwn to get caught up with everythig..and to see some of my designs)