ok...my boys have had fun with me the last few days.......
Wednesday Hudson decided to share his stinky diaper with his little brother (see posting below). Last night while giving them their bath, Griffin decided to poop in the tub. Oh yay! I guess he wanted to share a little with Hudson this time. Then..this morning....we woke up to little tiny feet pattering around on the tile. I walked into the kitchen and saw Hudson walking out in the backyard NAKED. He crawled out the doggie door. So fun. He was obviously having a blast. Well, we brought him back in the house, walked in their bedroom, and found his diaper (stinky diaper) in Griffin's crib. At least this time it wasn't smeared all over the place and Griff only had it on his feet & ankles (he spared his face and hands this time).
Sooo...now we're contemplating duct-taping his diaper on him (at least that's what my hubby wants to do). Doesn't that sound fun? Maybe I'll just have to try some pull-ups at night. He takes his pj's off and then his diaper...then who knows how long he's having fun naked before he lets us know he's raring to go for the day. We also can't leave the doggie door locked so our dog can go outside anytime. Oh..what boys we have.
Since it's time for another blog freebie....I thought it was only fitting to offer up an add-on to my Manic Martians kit. I have two patterned papers and a funtabulous Alpha for you.

download here & enjoy!!!
You can enjoy the full kit at Scrapbook-Bytes. Just click here.