spice up your work with a little Espanol and Francois

available at both Plain Digital Wrapper and One of a Kind Scrapz
The Itty Bitty Beach Party at our pool was super cute!
Hudson and Griffin had a ball, as well as all the other bizillion kids there.
OMG...it was sooooo packed!
Besides that little fact, there were bunches of goodies for the kids.... free plastic leis and matching sunglasses / an Itty Bitty dance contest / little plastic pools filled with bubbles & wands, sand & sand toys, fishing toys /pictures with the mascot polar bears (oh yea, over 100 degrees and there were two people in polar bear costumes...crazy!) / little tattoos / tons of rafts (alligators, big spirals, whales, toddler cars, and more) /free corndogs from Sonic....
....and all of this was FREE.
so cool! too bad we have to wait until next year for another one at that pool
the only sad/bad note out of this morning was the fact that I still don't have a camera
(I hurt mine on the beach when a nasty wave crept up and splashed me and my camera)
......sooooo I have to finish up the rest of my little disposable underwater camera
before I can get the pics developed
please scroll down to see all of the other business that I have going on
...along with OAKS new look

available at both Plain Digital Wrapper and One of a Kind Scrapz
The Itty Bitty Beach Party at our pool was super cute!
Hudson and Griffin had a ball, as well as all the other bizillion kids there.
OMG...it was sooooo packed!
Besides that little fact, there were bunches of goodies for the kids.... free plastic leis and matching sunglasses / an Itty Bitty dance contest / little plastic pools filled with bubbles & wands, sand & sand toys, fishing toys /pictures with the mascot polar bears (oh yea, over 100 degrees and there were two people in polar bear costumes...crazy!) / little tattoos / tons of rafts (alligators, big spirals, whales, toddler cars, and more) /free corndogs from Sonic....
....and all of this was FREE.
so cool! too bad we have to wait until next year for another one at that pool
the only sad/bad note out of this morning was the fact that I still don't have a camera
(I hurt mine on the beach when a nasty wave crept up and splashed me and my camera)
......sooooo I have to finish up the rest of my little disposable underwater camera
before I can get the pics developed
please scroll down to see all of the other business that I have going on
...along with OAKS new look