and the pipe cleaner cobwebs we made a week ago...

It's Halloween...... sooooooooooo I don't want to trick you.... I'm going to treat you! That's the best kind anyway.
Sorry, but I have no way to make any tasty candy pop through cyberspace to you.
How do you like this FREEBIE? It's Commercial Use / Designer Resource ok.
download HERE
and find more in my store HERE
There are so many blogs out there that are constantly giving away freebies. While lots of people try for some, only a few try for others. I really don't obsess about them. It would take way too much time to enter every one that I hear about... BUT... I have won two out of the last three weeks. I think that's pretty dang cool!
The first one was a great assortment of musical cards from Hallmark. The 2nd one is a frame/bow holders for a girl. I don't remember which blog I won it on. It's pretty cute, but I don't have a girl so I'll end up giving it to a friend.
Some of my fave bloggers with their current giveaways:
Was that information overload???????? I hope not. Just pick and choose through the lists, then bookmark so you can reference later
and................... don't forget....
Danyale made a super cute FREEBIE quickpage for you to enjoy
and.. here's my portion....
and some of our beautiful layouts
and... it's only $1 on Tuesday at Gotta Pixel
now Danyale made a super cute FREEBIE quickpage for you to enjoy
Welcome to Amazing Etsy Monday.
I feature undiscovered treasures just waiting for someone to love and adore them.
As of the moment I search through Etsy, none of these shop owners have had any sales in their stores. There are so many amazing Etsy items available,
these just need a little extra attention because they really really deserve it.
If you aren't familiar with Etsy, you have been missing out.
It's a super fabulous web home to crafters & artists of all types.
You can find something for just a couple bucks to something a few hundred dollars. Who knows, maybe even in the thousands.
I know there are some one of a kind large paintings and sculptures available.
Hopefully you like some of these awesome finds...
(all images are linked so you can easily shop)
I was going to blog about some new digiscrap goodness..............BUT.... I'm taking a break from that today
Do you want to know some pretty cool Tweets to follow? I found this very nifty list of the top 100 Twitter Feeds to Teach You Something New, Fun, and Useful. There's a bunch of different categories too, like words & languages, pop culture, money, health, humor, and so much more.
I've copied the list here for you to make it a bit easier for you to reference...
Words and Language
From book reviews to author insight to writing and grammar tips, you’ll learn something new each day just by following these Twitterers.
Life hacks
You’ll find incredibly useful life hacks as well as silly remedies and tips from these tweeters.
Pop Culture and Current Events
News doesn’t have to be boring. These feeds combine hard news with interesting analysis and plenty of pop culture fun.
Blogging and Internet
Become a better social networker, blogger and web worker when you follow these feeds.
Arts and Entertainment
Discover new art, music and theatre trends as you join the conversation started by these feeds.
From everyday budget tips to hard financial news and investing ideas, check out these feeds.
Life Questions
Follow these tweeters to get a steady stream of life questions and challenges.
Discover tips for living a healthier life from doctors, health news sites and more.
Jokes and Humor
By following these feeds, you’ll learn everything from new jokes to a new spin on the news of the day.
Business and Media
Find out what’s really going on in business, on Wall Street and in the media industry from these fun and interesting feeds.
General Learning
From museums to colleges to libraries, these institutions and online resources will keep you learning every day.
Become a more eco-conscious, sustainable individual when you follow these green bloggers and institutions.
Cooking and Food
These feeds will teach you how to have more fun in the kitchen.
Sports and Recreation
Pick up a new hobby, enjoy your time outdoors and keep up with the latest in golf, sailing, camping and more.
The Pixel Club is an area in our forums (you can view it here) where you have access to over 1,000+ digital scrapbook downloads, with more being added weekly. You can get entire kits, element packs, paper packs and so much more.
What benefits do you get for being a Pixel Club Member?
It's FREE for all of Gotta Pixel subscribers......... along with hundreds (ok, more than a thousand) other downloads.
A couple Mondays ago I started my first of a now weekly blogging, Amazing Etsy Monday.
I feature undiscovered treasures just waiting for someone to love and adore them.
As of the moment I search through Etsy, none of these shop owners have had any sales in their stores. There are so many amazing Etsy items available,
these just need a little extra attention because they really really deserve it.
If you aren't familiar with Etsy, you have been missing out.
It's a super fabulous web home to crafters & artists of all types.
You can find something for just a couple bucks to something a few hundred dollars. Who knows, maybe even in the thousands.
I know there are some one of a kind large paintings and sculptures available.
Hopefully you like some of these awesome finds...
(all images are linked so you can easily shop)
How would you like to win a Skitter?
I just entered the giveaway on My Wee View's blog a few times. I love these things! It would be so cool if I am the lucky one.
You can catch all the scoop about these super cool cars and try for yourself if you'd like. Anyone from a little toddler to a shining senior can make these thing scoot around. It's not like a Fred Flinstone car - no yabba dabba peddling with your feet on the ground - just wiggling of your body. They really really are cool!
Today my youngest turned 4.
Happy Birthday Griffin!
Please excuse the sad looking cupcake. We had fun at the park earlier in the day with a bunch of friends and alot more cupcakes that looked better (with marshmallows dotted on top too).
How would you like your own brag book with hardly doing any work?
If you are interested, I will provide you with a brag book sized kit that coordinates with my Lucyboo available in my store. That means each page is only 4x6 and all elements are sized to fit the pages.
It's my October Blender Challenge!... woo-hoo!!!!!!
For more information & to sign-up... see HERE
this is the last time for you to grab my ESS goodies for so super cheap...
October 15th will be my last day in the ESS store.
all $1 each through Tuesday...