welllllll...tomorrow is the big road trip ............ 8 hours to Ventura, CA with two little boys..... I went to the library this week and checked out a bunch of DVDs so they have new things to watch in the car and in the condo..........hopefully we remember to pack everything..I know we can go shopping there, but still
I'm soooo looking forward to getting away and being on the beach ....... even though it's going to be cool ... the highs are only in the low 70s...compared to the 100s that we've had here the last few weeks, it will be a nice change...just not sure if I'll be wanting to get in the ocean or not ....... I guess it will all depend on how venturous the boys will be.............. it's their first time at the beach and ocean ...... I can't wait to see their reaction when they see their huge sandbox
the one thing I'm dreading....coming back here to empty out a weeks worth of mail ... hopefully I'll have a smidge of time to hit the delete button once in a while there ........... I know I'm going to be busy designing whenever I have the opportunity....I have some exciting collabs in the works (September is going to be a HUGE collab month at OAKS...oh so fun!)
anyway..... I'll be gone from the 1st -8th .... soooooooooooooooooooo..... this includes my Commercial Products too
welll.... Hudson has been Mr. Mischievious this past week. I already blogged about his confetti and locking Grif and I out of the house last week. Well, yesterday morning I thought he really hurt himself and was really bleeding. Ha! He decided to have fun with my red nail polish. Before he told me about his fun artistic venture, he at least screwed the top back on the bottle and put it back where it belonged. I'm also so thankful that Griffin was with me so that he didn't become the painting place. Just look at these fab pics that I took with my cell (remember my camera is still busted). and.... a little bit got on my bedroom carpet.....most of it came out....but this is a small pinkish spot still........and at least it's between out bed and my bathroom so it isn't too noticable
I finally had my hair done.... YAY! for the first time in 3 months.... my roots needed it badly!
I deleted a ton before I kept these...taking self portraits with my cell phone isn't that easy
you can't really tell....but I have some lowlight striped highlights on top...and then the long layers in back show about 2 inches of my darker underneath
I LOVE it (the pictures don't really show it as fab as it really is)...it's my most fave color and cut in a long time...even though it's a bit blonder than I anticipated
now........... introducing my newest goodies............
thanks to Francie...one of my new fab CTMs....... my blog is bright and cheery!!!!!! I love it!!!! It was sooo boring and white before......she made my header for me with goodies from my Livid Vivid Morning papers and elements (the elements are a FREEBIE SAMPLER)......and she has updated my side bar with current blinkies (and they actually link up too) .... I think she still has a couple minor things to do......but I'm soooooo happy with it
well.... it's been a couple weeks since I've shared any ADSR LOs....so, it's time to get caught up ...
ADSR #7: hosted by Blue Flomingo - "For this challenge each of you will be creating a multi-photo layout. And not just 2 or 3 photos - you must use a minimum of TEN PHOTOS on your layout!!!! NO TEMPLATES MAY BE USED!!! You may, however, use photo clusters or negative frames, etc. Just no pre-designed page templates.
Now there's a twist so pay close attention...
You will choose your background paper(s), photos and title and will arrange them the way that you want them. THEN you and your partner will TRADE your layouts and your partner will be responsible to embellish your layout for you!"
Hudson and Griffin love having fun with my shoes.... every one of these pics includes mine, except for the one with Hudson in the green shirt (we're leaving his pediatrician's office and he's in 2 diff shoes of his dad's and my purse) Gone Streakin - Pinky by Sara Ellis at OAKS Roughin' It White alpha by Sara Ellis at OAKS clusters from Nancy Comelab all of the elements are from Urban Plunge,Esteem and Metrosplash all by Victoria Feemster at OAKS
ADSR #8: Hosted by Designs by Dani - Each participant needs to create a layout using the theme “Girl Talk.” Some ideas of how to use the theme: Show us the person you are most likely to “girl talk” with… what is most often the topic of discussion in your “girl talk”? what about when you were a teen? what was the girl talk then? what is it now? how’s it changed? Just about anything goes as long as you incorporate the theme in some way. Penelope kit from the Fresh & Funky Collection by Faith True and Victoria Feemster at OAKS
journaling: this was one of our last times together for a little catty girl talk time ... even though we were at the park with our kids .......... now we have to settle for phone calls and e-mails ... the 3 of us will be together again and it will be loud, crazy, and laughing fun...just like it was yesterday Lisa, Sara, & Mary 5/21/2007 (Lisa moved back to St. Louis in June)
font is KGD Dixi
and ADSR #9: hosted by Oscraps - "At Oscraps we’re all about keepin’ it real, so your next challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to scrap your *most embarrassing moment*—you know, that time you put your foot in your mouth big-time, or got caught doing something you never would have done if you’d known people were watching? Yeah—scrap that!
But that’s not all! For this challenge you MUST:
--Use a photo that goes with your most embarrassing moment. It doesn’t have to be a photo of the actual moment (because who stops in the middle of something super embarrassing and says, “Hey, I should get a picture of this so I can scrap it later!”?), but just a visual aid to the story. If you walked around all day with a piece of toilet paper hanging out the back of your pants, then use a photo of a roll of toilet paper.
--Journal about your embarrassing moment.
--Use at least one ribbon
--Use at least one tag
--Use at least two different fonts on your layout (not including alphas) " journaling: Yummy corn! Can you believe that I had corn for the very first time one month before I turned 40??? I’m not a veggie girl and it just seemed like it would be nasty. I’m just weird and picky that way. Anyway, I was at a bbq at my girlfriends house and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I’d never eaten it before. I’m sooooo glad because it’s now my most favorite thing to eat. The funny thing is that I still haven’t had the nerve to tell her. Why I am embarrassed about this when I can tell her anything else in the world? ok, call me goofy - no, call me corny corny cornball... HA HA ... I’m so funny .... first bite April '07 ... now Aug '07
Birthday Boy collab kit by Faith True and Melissa Bennett and The DigiShoppe Tag Nab It by Faith True at The DigiShoppe cluster #11 (half of it) from Nancy Comelab
fonts - Snidely, Tekton Pro, KGD Sara E Print
I didn't have to do ADSR 10 since it was a roadblock..Jolie had to do this one ....... I did the previous roadblock for our team
ok...that's it for right now.... I will post more fab things later when I have more time this afternoon.
ok....I had a tough time going through my CT applications.....but it was so exciting because it was the first time that I really had a good turnout for interested Scrap Silly Sisters....
soooooooo...without further adiou (is that how you spell it)
I love my new girls (and my other regulars) ....they are all so super awesome and incredible scrappers!!!!
now...time for you to have fun....
jeez........ I need to get a spare key and hide it under a rock or something....
when my dh left after lunch to go back to work.........Hudson, Griffin, and I walked outside so they could yell b'bye as he drove down the street ..... well, as I was trying to get Griffin (22 mo) to come inside, Hudson (3 yo nest month) ran inside, locked the door, laughed his head off, and ran away
luckily Grif had his shoes on, but I was barefoot, no shoes on, and it's 102 degrees.........I banged on the front and back doors, and yelled...he just had a devish laugh WHEN he wanted to show me his face.......and we have 2 neighbors that have our garage door openers & one works from home.....neither house was home .... uGH!.... my feet were burning up on the sidewalks and sweat dripping everywhere..so I went to another SAHM mom's house and she let me borrow her phone to call my dh to come back and rescue me, loaned me a pair of flip flops, and gave us a couple drink boxes ......
Hudson finally unlocked the sliding glass door in back for us....30 minutes later and 5 minutes before my dh came back home..
if you don't know, yesterday I posted a thread about how he and Grif tossed shredded paper confetti all over my office
crazy boys!
ok...I need to go take a shower
have fun chuckling
and...yes... I know I still haven't blogged about my ADSR LOs from last week... hopefully I'll do that later before this weekend is here....... so please stay tuned ...hey, I know....sign up on my right sidebar to get notifications when I update my blog ... such a clever thought :)
the majority of the OAKS store is 35-50% for all designers
mosquito hell ~~~~~~~
can you say OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!!!
hello!!!!!!!! I live in Phoenix now ... with barely any mosquitoes around......... I grew up in the midwest, so I'm very familiar with them...but I left them back there
wellllll..we've had lots of rain in the last couple of weeks, so it's time to say hello to them again (UGH!)
we had dinner a couple nights ago at my FIL's house in Scottsdale ...... a bunch of us were outside & some in the pool......guess who the mosquitoes fell in love with more than anyone else??????? ME! I have 44 bites below my knees on both legs!!!!! the rest of my family might only have 1 or 2 bites............... I wasn't wearing perfume...but I might've put lotion on my legs earlier in the day.. I guess I'm just super sweet
wellllllll.... per my mom's suggestion, I tried coating them with Lysol and Hydrogen Peroxide, per my dh's suggestion, I coated them with Benadryl ointment....none of those worked ......... besides scratching to death ............ the best option I've found is to blast them with my hair dryer as hot as I can stand (I learned this when I had poison ivy years a few years ago) .......it gets a bit hot while I'm doing it, but it really does take the itch away for a while
anyway...just thought I'd share my misery with you
don't forget about my open CT Call.........scroll down for all the delicious info
I am asking for a 3.5 month commitment (til Nov. 30th)
I can't wait to hear from all of you fabulous scrappers :)
potty training update.....
Hudson stoop up and went pee pee in the regular toilet ....... woo-hoo! that's his first time for not using his little potty ...........and there was no mess......YAY!
ADSR time:
Challenge 5 was from Butternug Squash .....all about the JOURNALING! ...." Here's what I want you to do. Someone in your life has taught you something that has stuck with you. It might be a mothering tip. It might be a viewpoint. It might be some words of wisdom. It might be a love of something. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to scrap about that. Figure out what was passed down to you, from whom, and memorialize it. There are so many choices here - what speaks to your heart the most is the one to choose. "
my entry: challenge 6 was from Elemental Scraps: only 1 member of the team can create a LO...and I did ours ....... we can only use one solid bg paper, can use 2 patterns....and MUST use at least 15 elements with no more than 2 from the same designer (I only used one item from each designer)
can you handle it???? can your paypal handle it???? LOL
ok...... I have been waaaay too nice with my OAKS Birthday Presents grab bag....... I already shared 2 of my 5 previews over the last few days ..........
guess what.....
today is the last day it's available for sale...........
sooooo, here's a 3rd preview..........
WOW! now you've seen 3 of the 5 goodies available .... and this is the last day that you can grab all 5 brand new items for only $2 ............. hint hint: skim down a bit to see the other 2 previews
it's August at OAKS... more funtabulous things for a new month.......
new challenges are up and ready..... each one is open for the entire month and sponsored by different designers......that means a fabulous free goodie for each one after the month is over
Hosted by Faith True every other week. Let yourself become a part of your favorite movie. Each week we will delve into a different movie and create a layout challenge from it. There is also a freebie for those that complete challenges by the weeks end.
and................... The August Free with $10 purchase gift will be up in the store super soon ... and you won't want to miss it ......... Chocolate Covered Cherries is super sweet fun!
It's HUGE too!!!!!!!
and, ya know...yesterday I mentioned that I am back to being exclusive at OAKS .....
wellllll... kind of kind of not........ that's the only place where I'll sell my goodies ..... I totally forgot to mention that I've been a Guest Designer the last couple of months for Scraps For Charity ... I'm now a Regular Design Team girl there ...........
it's such a fabulous place ....... a different charity is focused each month .....
the remainder of this week all July products will be on clearance before they disappear to make room for August
July's Charity is the Ronald McDonald House of Indiana......... you can get each mini for only $1 or the mega (a combo of all minis) with over 60 pages and over 100 elements for only $5.................plus a few freebies are available too
here's my mini contribution... **************
I'm still looking for someone to update my blog for me.....it NEEDS some spunky life!!!!!! (you'll get freebies from me and 1 or 2 other OAKS designers)
If you are interested in helping ...... please leave me your e-mail addy in your reply
Scrap Silly Sister CT call:
I'll be posting a new CT call later today or tomorrow ....... if you're super anxious now...before I have my pretty ad all ready ....... just e-mail me at saranohw(at)yahoo.com with a link to your best gallery, and link to your most active forum ....... include "Silly CT Call" in the subject line