Griffin's 1st birthday FREEBIES & more LOs from meIt seems like I've been busier than ever lately working on some new LOs (with the help of some challenges at
TheDigiChick, rather than designing. 3 of the next 4 LOs were because of those challenges. Before I offer up the great FREEBIEs in honor of Griffin's birthday, I'm going to share some of my LO's with you so I hope you will enjoy.

all details and comments can be found hereNow....time for this great FREEBIE...this is my 3rd FREEBIE day this week....woo-hoo for you! I have 2 Alphas+ and a paper. The Alpha1 has upper & lowercase, numbers and extras and Alpha2 just as lowercase. The paper doesn't quite coordinate, but it's the end result of me working on a smudge page, walking away from the computer for a moment, my 2 year old hitting a few buttons, and wa-la!, this neat striped page with a woody grain to it. It does have a tiny smudge on the bottom right hand corner which adds a little bit of character I guess. He must've hit the gradient button & who knows what else. It definitely doesn't look anything like what I started with. Since the 1st Alpha file was so large, I had to divide this into two separate downloads. Both Alphas coordinate with The Spunky Stars that I offered up earlier, as well as the Dr. Seuss quotes that are still available.
Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts1Download SpunkyBirthdayGifts2(be sure to grab both - they are two DIFFERENT freebies)
As always, please leave me a love note when you grab my freebies. I'd also love to hear any CC too. Thanks and have a FANTABULOUS weekend!