After Hudson's speech class I took him and Griffin to The Healing Garden at Tempe Town Lakes.....
wow! it was soooooo much more emotional than I thought it would be.........
there was a flag for each person that died with a yellow ribbon that had the name, age, and homeplace for each....a few didn't have names.....and then all of the children had special little flags and flowers at the base of each flagpole a lady that worked there came over to give the boys mini flags and within a couple minutes they ran over and laid them down at the base of someone's know they didn't really know what it meant....but dang...tears flowed from me at that was so just happened too quick for me to get a pic of them doing it and they didn't want to pose there.........
the boys were actually more interested in the firetrucks that were had a huge memorial painted all over it......and then there were 2 that were there to hold up the Unity Flag that's signed by all of the Senators anyway............oh...I don't have any pics of that flag because it was down because of the wind...they are only hanging it during the special ceremonies (early morning and tonight)
enjoy the pictures ( I haven't touched any up yet, I just u/l a few minutes ago).......... I'll scrap them later

Wow..... totally emotional.. Thank you for sharing your pictures Sara. Your boys are just so darling and to lay their flags down like that... Awwwwwww show they have been taught well... and are going to be such caring men as when they grow up. You should be so proud.
Very powerful photos. I hope you do a layout using them.
this is a very touching moment! LOVE the pictures!
BEAUTIFUL photos Sara!
Just wow. Thank you for sharing your photos with us Sara.
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