.....sorry for the long delay...I can't believe it's been a week since I last blogged ......
it's been a bit crazy around here & my internet time has decreased since Cooper is here....my wireless is screwy & rarely works ......... at least I'm getting more design projects done on my laptop
what's been happening since the 3rd???....
*the 4th of July we went to a friend's pool party & watched the fireworks......they have a HUGE backyard which is a rarity in Phoenix...and one of the big fireworks displays was just a few blocks away & the view was pretty great from where we were....the boys loved them, but a bit too long for their attention span.........I can't believe how well they did, we didn't leave the party until 10:20 & they were soo great ....... .... Coop had a blast playing basketball in the pool and had fun on the rockslide & so did Griffin....he's not even 2 and he just loved that thing so much...he went down by himself with his arm floaties on, sunk in the water, popped up and asked for more......but Hudson would only go down the slide on my lap & that was it.................................and, I started potty training Hudson, he's doing pretty well when he's naked, but he has to be naked to even go pee-pee in his potty
*the 5th was Coop's 17th birthday (dang, that still makes me feel old) .... I made him wait until 8:45pm to get his presents...he almost didn't think he was going to get anything at all ..... he received FlightSimulator X and a new joystick for the computer (he wants to go into aeronautical engineering)....and then we're going to see Hootie and the Blowfish, along with Cowboy Mouth the beginning of August..just the two of us.......should be pretty fun
*the 6th was Jeff's and my 4th anniversary....we didn't really get each other anything (well, I did get him a small book) because we just got a new washer and dryer about a week ago which I'm super happy with.....we went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner (YUM!)..it was good, yummy crab legs, drinks, and super casual
*on the 7th, Coop and I saw Evan Almighty ...... it had a great message, kind of the same as the first one.....just a funny feel good movie, and corny at the same time
*jump to yesterday, the 10th........Jolie and I received our confirmation for the Amazing Digiscrapping Race (more a bit later in this blog)...........Hudson had another Speech Therapy session with Miss Kelly (it's an every Tuesday morning thing) & she went over the newest evaluation that she did last week, he is testing at the below 9th percentile range for his sounds in words which means somewhere below 2 yo level (more blogged below)........and then last night I hosted my first chat/challenge/crop at OAKS, I was worried nobody would be there and ended up with a pretty nice turnout & we had a ton of fun (more about that later too)
now for some fun stuff....
don't miss out at OAKS this weekend

There will be 3 links a day given. We will also have a spot on the forums for hints just in case ya might need em. So stop in, have some fun and get a free kit while you can!
and.......something from me....

**one big winner at each
PDW and
OAKS**make sure e-mail addresses are valid with your purchases
**Ball of Fun at OAKS is not included
for my chat last night, I gave away this cute little mini, Makin' Magic....

and I gave everyone a challenge to make a LO using this and only one other color....everyone that links up their LO in
this thread gets another little surprise from me ...........
and that's not all........I also gave everyone
a bunch of T & F questions to get to know me better, I was going to just award the one with the most correct answers with another freebie, but it was a pain tallying up everyone's answers soooooooooo I was super generous and gave EVERYONE another freebie.....my Snazzy Snoodles Butterflies

and...I was sooo super impressed by Shell (shellshok) since she was at my chat..........she's in Germany so it was around 2 or 3 in the morning for her...............what a doll!!!!!
ADSR time........
wow!!! this second season is HUGE............ if you haven't signed up yet, sorry, it's too late now ..... you'll have to wait until season 3
Jolie Molino and I are teaming up together ......... I'm psyched! I need an extra push to do more LOs each month and this will be the perfect thing to get me going
how do you like our team blinkie??? and then there's the standard ADSR one with our name on it too

Hudson's speech therapy........
we weren't too surprised that he tested below 2 yo for word sounds ...he'll be 3 in Sept........that's one reason why he's been in therapy for the last month and a half .............it's only 1 hour a week so we're really hoping that our school district accepts him for their pre-school therapy program....it's every day and more intensive...and FREE....it's supposed to be really good too ... I just mailed them Hudson's evaluation and I should find out next week ......they are supposed to take everyone that tests at least a year behind so we should be in for sure....if so, he'll be in school as of Aug 6th (smile)
ok...that's it for now.........
I'm heading to a sorority training conf tomorrow morning.........it's for all of the regional team members and above.........................and...NO internet access at all shile I'm gone except for at the airport.........I'm so scared to see what my inbox will look like on Sunday.....YIKES!!!
have fun wishing and shopping while I'm away ....................and...sign up for my blog updates...you'll get random freebies ........hint hint: I'm sending one out tonight before I leave :)