Where have I been and why did it take me so long to find this place??? Oh my! Digishoptalk has a plethora of info! Oh my (again)! It has a fabulous forum to advertise many, many freebies, new shop goodies, tons of help & tuts, and just plain fun.
I've just added it to my favorite links bit on here. It's a must!
If you haven't been there, hurry now....please don't just wait around like I did. The posts are fast & furious, changing very frequently.
Have fun!
I have to let you know a little something else now too.....a little sneak peek at what I'm working on now. It's "Rockin' Ransom". The kit is inspired by my nephew (step-nephew-in-law to be exact). My husband's step-brother is in 3 different bands so you know that Ransom will have lots of fun craziness in his house as he grows up. He's only 3.5 months old...and has the same birthday as me too:). At his mom's baby shower earlier this year, our sister-in-law, Cynthia, knitted the most fabulous sweater for Ransom to wear this winter. It's black with a white skull & crossbones. SO so so cool for a baby! No, I'm not crazy. Anyway, I decided to share one of the papers with you now. I really was only going to tell you about it, but what the hay...have fun with this sneak peek. The paper doesn't look baby-ish, but the whole kit is going to be a hip-rocker-baby thing. I can't wait to get it completed so everyone can enjoy it!

Now leave me love notes so I can know all of your thoughtful thoughts (and/or constructive criticism)!!!!!!
:) :) :)