all 2500px (8.3 inches)
AND only $1 today
All Boxed In brushes 1

All Boxed In brushes 2

Tuesday, as always, is Dollar Pixel Days. There are over 22 products rocking the section this week, all for just $1.00! The deal runs 1 day only, so you wont want to miss picking up such awesome designs at such a great deal!
Also, if your a Pixel Club member, you are going to want to check out the downloads section. This past week 9 new products have been added and there is still more to come. If you aren't a member, you should check out the subscription offers available. Over 1,000 downloads are yours with the subscription, all of which are exclusive and can't be received any other way! You can't get a better deal for the amount of digi scrap goodies!
BUT WAIT! Do you want to get a year subscription for FREE??? This week there is an awesome contest going on in the Gotta Pixel forum. Just scrap your vacation (from anytime frame) and you could WIN! Check out the rules and how to enter in the contest here.
While your in the forum, check out the Question of the Day and get to know the team and members a little bit more. And a little birdie told me that just by letting us get to know you a little bit better, Liz (Sweet Digi Scraps) just might visit your inbox with a little something.
So what are you waiting for? Go hop over to Gotta Pixel and join in the fun!
How to get this daily download
Register in the store if you have not done so. The login for the store is separate from the Forum and the Newsletter. Daily downloads are activated at 8:30 AM Eastern Standard Time and are available for 24 hours.
Want the entire Daily Download kit immediately each month?
If you join the Pixel Club, you will receive the entire Daily Download kit on the first of the month in just a few files. No waiting and download a file everyday. Pixel Club Memberships are as low as $2.92 a month! If you’re a Pixel Club Member, please go to the Previous Daily Downloads area to download June’s kit!
If you collected all of Armina's contribution during the 1st half of the month and continue to collect my portions until the end of the month, your whole collaboration will look like this:
Check out Amanda's Avatar Challenge in the forum! Amanda has started this fun little challenge to spark some creative ideas for your avatar. While you're in checking out Amanda's Challenge, don't forget that we have the Pixel Point Challenge going on! You can pick from 11 different challenges, and every time you complete one, you can earn free products from the Gotta Pixel store! You can read more about the Pixel Points here.