Look at all the super fabulous happenings at Gotta Pixel...
RIGHT NOW... and for NSD!

ok..... so the NSD sale begins on the 1st... and our Blog Train is on the 31st and the 1st... (ETA: some of our blogs are still participating throughout the weekend, including mine)
be sure to check out some of my fun goodies while shopping your NSD sales... like these:

... and so much more
and now.... our Blog Train....look at this fun Retro Spring preview... there is sooooo much more that can't fit into the preview

How does this work you ask?
Visit each one of the blogs listed below and grab the contribution from that designer for the Retro Spring, NSD Blog Train kit. When you have visited all the blogs, and downloaded all the piece, you'll have the entire kit, and trust us, the kit is phenomenal! Since some of the designers are international, if you don't find the freebie right away, check back, it will be there!
UPDATE: May 4th - my link is now expired
and.... all the other super fine goodies here:
(please keep in mind that everyone has different time zones, so if one is not available right this moment, it will be sometime during the 31st)
Stacy - http://www.gottapixel.net/blog
Liz - www .sweetdigiscraps.blogspot.com
Kim - http://blueridgemeadows.blogspot.com
Kristin - www.digidelights.blogspot.com
Lorie - http://digiscrapdesigns-by-lorie.blogspot.com/
Isabel - http://www.busyfingers-digiscrap.blogspot.com
Sarah - http://blog.sarahbdesigns.net/
Kathryn - http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Cherie - http://cshieldsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Wendy - http://www.hauntedpixels.net/
Robin - http://madscrap.blogspot.com/
Gretch - http://shesfullofscrap.com/
Kristina - http://kristmessdesigns.blogspot.com/
one more super fabulous item... just for today....
this is my last day as a Guest Designer at Enchanted Studio Scraps ...
soooooooo... all of my kits there are only $1.49 today, April 30th
including Sassifrass:
ETA: May 1st.... I'm now staying on as a regular permanent designer at ESS ... YAY!
..... and I will be keeping all of my kits at $1.49 throughout the NSD weekend sale
if you have ANY problems checking out in the stores,
PLEASE make sure you are registered and logged in first ....
also, you can e-mail me at saranohw(at)yahoo(dot)com so I can reply to you

RIGHT NOW... and for NSD!

ok..... so the NSD sale begins on the 1st... and our Blog Train is on the 31st and the 1st... (ETA: some of our blogs are still participating throughout the weekend, including mine)
be sure to check out some of my fun goodies while shopping your NSD sales... like these:

and now.... our Blog Train....look at this fun Retro Spring preview... there is sooooo much more that can't fit into the preview

How does this work you ask?
Visit each one of the blogs listed below and grab the contribution from that designer for the Retro Spring, NSD Blog Train kit. When you have visited all the blogs, and downloaded all the piece, you'll have the entire kit, and trust us, the kit is phenomenal! Since some of the designers are international, if you don't find the freebie right away, check back, it will be there!
UPDATE: May 4th - my link is now expired
and.... all the other super fine goodies here:
(please keep in mind that everyone has different time zones, so if one is not available right this moment, it will be sometime during the 31st)
Stacy - http://www.gottapixel.net/blog
Liz - www .sweetdigiscraps.blogspot.com
Kim - http://blueridgemeadows.blogspot.com
Kristin - www.digidelights.blogspot.com
Lorie - http://digiscrapdesigns-by-lorie.blogspot.com/
Isabel - http://www.busyfingers-digiscrap.blogspot.com
Sarah - http://blog.sarahbdesigns.net/
Kathryn - http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Cherie - http://cshieldsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Wendy - http://www.hauntedpixels.net/
Robin - http://madscrap.blogspot.com/
Gretch - http://shesfullofscrap.com/
Kristina - http://kristmessdesigns.blogspot.com/
one more super fabulous item... just for today....
this is my last day as a Guest Designer at Enchanted Studio Scraps ...
soooooooo... all of my kits there are only $1.49 today, April 30th
including Sassifrass:
ETA: May 1st.... I'm now staying on as a regular permanent designer at ESS ... YAY!
..... and I will be keeping all of my kits at $1.49 throughout the NSD weekend sale
if you have ANY problems checking out in the stores,
PLEASE make sure you are registered and logged in first ....
also, you can e-mail me at saranohw(at)yahoo(dot)com so I can reply to you